Padjelanta is a national park in northern Sweden. It is the largest national park with an area of 1,984 km² and established 1963 and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Laponia established in 1996.
Laponia's 9400 km² consists of the national parks Muddus, Sarek, Padjelanta and Stora Sjöfallet, and the nature reserves Sjaunja and Stubba. 95% of the area is protected as national parks or nature reserves. The other 5% are in the areas of Sulitelma, Tjuoltadalen, and Rapadalen.
Padjelanta means "The High Land" in the language spoken by the Sami people. They are still having their reindeers here for feeding in the summer. The park borders to Norway and two other National Parks in Sweden; Sarek in the West and Stora Söfallet in the north.

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